Letters From The Past
Dear Women,
Choose a life you want. Live the way you want to. If you find eyes judging you. Do not stop. Those judgy eyes did not have the courage to live their life.
Women, you are wonderful and powerful. You tend to manage your life so well even with those mood swings. Your life is not easy. It never has been. Cos you are a women. But you have not learnt to give up. Your home, your office, your friends. You know how to work through. You know how to manage.
Then why give up this time? No one tells you how to live your life. No one tells you what to wear or what time to reach home. You can take care of hundreds of issues. Then why not this one.
Time to stop being a victim.
You don't need the world to rescue you. You are your own savior. You are powerful.
Learn to defend.
And It’s again a Valentine Day
Love, Relationships, Break ups, Patch Ups has become a trend today. Who wasn’t in a relationship!! Who has never fallen in love!! I doubt if such a person exist. (And if u exist, please fall in love atleast once) Does love “the feeling” really exist… or it’s just the bloody hormones playing its games. Whatever it is… one should fall in love atleast once in their lifetime. Its an out of the world feeling. The world looks lovely. Actually everything looks
gorgeous. Dusre duniya ke log ban jate hai tab. My friends might be wondering that these words are coming out of me. But yes it is!!!!!!!! Love and relationships are two different
things. And I am talking about falling in love. I never regret falling in love. But a relationship sucks “big time”.
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