They are my friends,
They are my life,
I am greatful to have such friends
Pranay- My best more words to express
Precious moment with u: School days, bunking classes, shopper stop (entrance ka glass yaad hai), pani puri, rain, Mr coincidence, nawas mam, June, Ur birthday party, Lava, Dance u did( unforgattable, u know how much i laugh when i remember tat day), our first talk, Ram Moth, n lots n lots more...
Tushar- Very smart.I find myself lucky to have a friend like him.i am still not broken after all tat has happened...all cos of him. But there's one problem wit him... bahut jaldi tension leta hai.I am scared to loose friends like you.Precious moments with u: hmm.... Visaka expressSumit- One who stood by me at my good and bads. i like one thing about him. his dedication towards????? wanna know? ask him.i could'nt have done it without you. thank u.
Precious moments with u: whenever we met, it was to solve problems... my precious moments wit you were all our phone conversations.
Sharma- i find him too down to the is really hard to understand him but i like him as he is. he never shows but i know he cares for me.
Precious moments with u: every moment from the day of our friendship was precious to me.
Swarnalata : We fight almost all the time.But we know tat we r there 4 eachother all d time
Shiv: Best bf ever(tats wat i call him).I dnt have words 4 tis guy.lucky me to have tis person in my life. whenever we talk i laugh out.and all my troubles r gone.we fought 4 unnessary thngs in colg.. n tat was d best part
Kaushal :Sweet and sensitive.Always there to listin to my bakwas :P
Bandita- I know i can trust her decisions. she is a very good friend of mine.. she is sometimes very sensitive n baat baat par gusha hoo jati hai. par utni hi jaldi maan jati hai (woh baat alag hai ki mein n prachi kabhi manate nahi)
Precious moments with u: after class hours.
Prachi- Bindass gal, dancer,very talkative, active, n above all she is very nice. i like her attitude. the way she deals with problems.the best part of her is she alwayse wears a smile.
Precious moments with u: shilpa mam(BEE lab), faces we make after vivas,ashok mishra(wat is ME?)
Pragyan- Brave gal( you know y i said tat), a friendship which has just begun. n i know will last a long.(touch wood)
Precious moments with u: preparation 4 mid sem 2 maths,encyclopedia, hey baby
Chotu- As sweet as her name. frnd from first year.whenever we sit together in class, there is a sure scolding from mam.
Precious moments with u: midsem 2 maths,cafetaria,english labs, workshop(blade)
Gulmul- Life rocks when we are together. we were together only for one and half month. but we became very gud frnds. know eachother very well. we are open books to eachother.Precious moments with u: chuski, pani puri, big bazar, breakfast at resturant,search for the song(sajana),bunkin java class, remember the day when i was back from my didi's engaugement,movie,marekt complex, walks,wandering on streets for no reason, running for java class n reaching half n hr late n sleeping in the last bench n the last day
Vanya di - A real sis.gulmul's sis. was a real guide when i was away from home for the first time. i know it was impossible for me without her
Precious moments with u: dance on the bed,indian idol(suhit), d day wen we went to see of gulmul,the book we read(i know naming it isnt neessary)
Abhishek- bahut jaldi gusha hoo jata hai, par kuch nahi kar pata hai... hai na.
Precious moments with u: bus mein (1st year) i guess i need not write in details.
Esha- Knows without saying. sweet, cute, bahut aachi hai, n bahut roti hai, tear bud nahi tear tank hai.
Precious moments with u: the birthday parties, the day we met(mandir),A section,u know there r sooo many that i cnt jot down here.
Jyoti- Alwayse angry on me. n keep complainin tat i forgot his frndship. but i know he's alwayse there 4 me.
Precious moments with u: b day partys,bus mein wen i said u abt esha.
Ishani- Friends forever
Precious moments with u: school life. the walk from shopper stop till my home, wen i went 2 hyd after 2 years
Amit- My intelligent friend, very busy, i dont remember when our friendship started, gives a very less time to us, but his words alwayse work.Precious moments with u: freshers party(remember), hey i like ur singing
Chiru-A cute and sweet friend.i fail to understand him. so i will not be saying anything about him.Precious moments with u: wen u n ur frnds came home, actualy every moment was precious, i can forget none.
Deb- Good friends. bindass type hai. aacha haiPrecious moments with u: wen u and ur frnds came home.Nayan-hey tats my bro.. used to call him naina di. but no more.Precious moments with u: wen u and ur frnds came home.
Riyaz- Sharif in assames group(as per me)
Precious moments with u: hmm... bus(tyer punture), n class mein(DEC)
Arun-Friend, he is a mysterious book. but a very gud frnd of mine.
Precious moments with u: all the labs( 3rd sem se aaj tak)
Saheen- My intellegent friend. short tempered. but bahut aachi hai.
Precious moments with u: vivah, wen we made the super plans which landed nowhere.
Nirupama-She's a makeup kit,iska dil aur dimak ek baat kabhi nahi karta, infact uska dil bhi ek baat nahi karta,she is alwayse confuse
Precious moments with u: station, phone call,shopper stop,pani puri, nawas classes
Krushna-a real gud frnd. one who never be's but alwayse be's wen i need someone. we became gud frnds in 3rd sem.
Precious moments with u: BEE lab(singing class) yaad hai?
Nizam- oh i tease him a lot. par never says anythng.we r gud frnds. frnds since 1st year. pehele i was confused wat to call him... cos ur name reminded me of a train... hahahahahaha. actually nizam ko mujh par gusha nahi aata. n i keep testing his patience.(stress interview)
Precious moments with u: chemistry lab, wen u did all the experiment following my instructions.
Garima-Simple n sweet
Precious moments with u: lunch breaks,bus
Rosalin di- alwayse had been jus like my elder sister.
Precious moments with u: trignometry classes.
Jai- Blooms as her name. childhood friends, she is a very close friend of mine. we hav spent lot of time together. i hav no words to express our friendship.
Precious moments with u: which moment do i tell. there r so many moments we cant forget.
Abhipsa- Childhood friend. we were never together but letters, then mails n now phone calls keep us together.
Precious moments with u: when we met after a long gap of 6 years.
Pooja- Innocent n sweet gal
Precious moments with u: balcony games
Sonali-Very dangerous.. actually hard to understand her.
Precious moments with u: table tennis, softy, late night gossips,
Advait- My first crushPrecious moments with u: hmm.. there was no monent.
Swetalin- singer,gud,sweet,loving,caringPrecious moments with u: troubling tapan, big bazar,Vidhya- One who could control my anger.
Precious moments with u: summer holidays
Sefali- the tom boy, gusha to bahut jyada, a very posessive friend
Precious moments with u: ur birthday n the new year, tumhare school mein
Rishab- school friends,still couldnot understand me, n he thinks i am very submissive(koi isse samjhao)
Precious moments with u: madhavi mam class after ur tonsilitis operation
Subham- rishab's bro, we used to fight a lot, but buddy has no time, he's more busy wit his gf... but tats k.
Precious moments with u: class mein fighting yaad hai???
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